How To Get A Better Job, Now!

Wouldn't you love to be one of those people who enjoy going to work, succeeds at their job and is praised almost daily for their incredible work. Wouldn't you love to feel like you are indispensable and your company highly appreciates you for everything you do. Wouldn't you like to have a millionaires pay check!

Starting right this second you can instantly have a job that is ten times better than your old job, because it is all to do with your mindset.

To Be Valued, You Have To Give Value

The first and only step into having a better job right now is by changing the way you think about work. If you are an employee and you have a contract, you need to change the way you think about your job. It's time to take ownership. If you are self-employed, this still applies.

Instead of saying, I work for these guys, say, I work for myself. You have agreed to give your employers so many hours of your week and in return you are charging them whatever wage you agreed to when signing your contract. Getting into this mindset is crucial into becoming a valued employee and rising the ranks of your company. Tell yourself now that you agreed to that price and in those hours, you will give them value because, if you ran a company, you want all your customers and clients to feel like they have been given value for their money. Working for someone is no different.

Take a moment to let that sink in. How does that make you feel? Now ask yourself, Are you charging enough? Are you giving them value? Do you actually deserve to be valued?

Chances are, the answer to at least two of those questions, if not three is NO.

If you are self-employed these questions still apply.

Now it's time for you to take control of your career. Tell yourself that you are going to be a valued employee/company , you are going to go beyond the call of duty to make a huge difference to that company/client and in time, the company/client is going to throw money at you to make sure you don't leave.

Your job, and your life, is about taking ownership of it. The people that succeed are the people who work hard and give people a great service. They are the people who everyone turns to when something needs doing, and they are the people who everyone will happily pay a lot of money for the service they provide.

If you are a shop assistant, tell yourself that you are going to smash sales targets and leave every customer wanting to speak to you next time they come in.

If you are a designer, tell yourself that you are going to give people their dream designs.

If you're in a recruitment firm, tell yourself that you are going to be the top biller and bring in millions for the company

If you're a mother, tell yourself that you are going to be the best mother their could possibly be and that your children are going to be bought into a world with loving, caring and kind parents.

This type of thinking applies to everything. Why be second rate at anything. No Millionaire has ever thought that they are happy to just let life happen. No Millionaire has ever been content to give a poor performance. No Millionaire has ever been content to come anywhere but first place. More importantly, no Millionaire accepts anything but first rate in any part of their life, including themselves and other people.

If you can get yourself into that mindset, and really push yourself at your job it won't be long until you can start demanding more pay, a better position in the company and more responsibility. What's even better, is that if you will be able to prove your value by the great work you have done so if your company won't offer you those things, another company certainly will.

Get into the habit of being the best and working hard. Don't expect it to just happen when you start your own company. Do it now! Otherwise you will never achieve the success that you desire. First rate workers, get a first rate life!

Next time you walk into work, be the best they have. It won't be long until they recognise it, and if they don't, another company or client will!

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