How To Use A Vision Board To Live A Millionaires Lifestyle

Whether or not you believe in the Law Of Attraction (more will be explained in a later blog), a vision board is a great way to clarify your goals, to discover what it is that is really important to you and help inspire you on those tough days in the office, or those times when it just seems like life is not working out.

A vision board is simply a cork board, or a large piece of card, or even a wall of pictures, statements and symbols representing everything you would like to achieve or obtain. The idea behind the vision board is that if you focus on those things that you desire, you attract them into your life. Now whether you believe that is by Law Of Attraction, or because the focus on these desires is stronger so you start to unconsciously put things into place that help you achieve these goals is up to you. Just know that it does work.

Creating Your Personal Vision Board:

Each vision board is completely personal and should represent you as a person and your own personal desires. Although everyone has different desires, there is a common theme that run through most vision boards, and I would suggest you put these things up for your own happiness and for others.

Health, Great Family, Success

What is the point in being rich if you are unhealthy and don't have some great family or friends surrounding you to enjoy the amazing life style. I also put success because success is such a wide and subjective desire. It can mean a successful business, a successful life or even successful charity work. A vision board doesn't have to be completely selfish (but it definitely should be a little bit because you can't make other people happy unless you are happy yourself).

Now I'm not gonna tell you how to make a vision board, this isn't pre-school and I'm sure you'll figure it out. What I want to focus on is to how to create those images that are completely personal to you. This little exercise I use every month or so and it helps me focus on what it is I want in my life, and then also helps me figure out how I got there.

You need to find ten to fifteen minutes in your day to sit or lie down somewhere quiet and peaceful where you won't be distracted. Then you need to ask yourself these questions.

"It has been the best year yet, all your greatest dreams have been achieved, where do you live, what do your family and friends look like, what car do you drive, what job do you have, how much money is in your bank account, what holidays do you go on, what are you wearing, where do you eat, what objects do you own, who's lives are you enriching by having an enriched life yourself?"

You need to clearly picture this. When you are imagining your life in a years time, take note of whether you are observing yourself, or imagining your life from within yourself. If you are observing yourself, that is fine, look at what clothes you are wearing, what haircut do you have and what your body looks like. Once you have taken a mental note of that, try to imagine your life from within yourself, as if you are actually living that life.

If it helps, try taking this journey. As you do, really imagine what everything feels like, looks like and smells like. Imagine everyone around you is happy for you and happy to know you. You are happy to do what you are doing and life couldn't get any better.

The Millionaires Journey

  1. You're at work. What is your job, what are you doing, who works for you?
  2. You're driving home. What is your car, how does the steering wheel feel?
  3. You pull up in your drive, what does your house look like, what does your garden look like?
  4. You open your front door, what does your interior look like, what furniture do you have?
  5. People greet you from within the house, are they family, friends, staff?
  6. You decide to go on holiday, where do you go, what does it feel like being there?

You can elaborate on this journey as much as you like to focus your own personal dreams and desires. Where ever you go, or whatever you imagine, just make sure it's as vivid as you can possibly imagine. Live that life for fifteen minutes and feel yourself going on that journey. It is important to really feel this dream because your mind cannot tell the difference between what is real, and what is imaginary. Those good thoughts will send endorphins all around the body, which will react positively to all those great images in your mind.

That last part of the exercise is to start collecting images. You can collect them from magazines, postcards, the internet or where ever you come across the perfect image that is as close as possible to the things that you imagined. When you find the picture you should feel excited and passionate about that object or desire. Each time you look at the pictures on your vision board, you should know that somehow, you are going to get everything, and you will get it sooner than you think. When we go further into this, you should feel like you already have it, but that is for a different post.

To help inspire you with your vision board, I'm going to set up a page with my own personal dreams and desires. It will be a mixture of things I already do or am going to do this year and may even teach you a thing or too about my own personality ;)


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