Create Your Tribe Like A Millionaire

It is natural human instinct to want to be part of a group. From the earliest days of civilisation, humans have formed tribes that have sometimes grown into civilisations, states and even Empires. Then within those civilisations and states, more tribes are created. We do this because it used to be a defence mechanism. Very few humans can survive by themselves so we constantly feel the need to be "in the loop" or "part of the gang".

Now, with the internet and social media, a tribe doesn't have to be confined to geography. A tribe can be worldwide. If you think of Facebook as a very obvious example, it started off as a tribe. It was a college website which then grew to incorporate other college students from different Universities. It was a still quite an exclusive tribe and it was only a little while ago that you had to be a student to join. Now it's a worldwide social network. In fact it's got so huge, there are literally millions of different tribes within facebook. Businesses, Artists, Musicians or any random person can create a page and get people to "like" it. These people form a tribe, and every tribe needs a leader....

This is where you and I come in. 

You and I are leaders. This is why you are reading this blog, and why I am writing it. You want to change something, or are changing it and I want to help you change it. I wanted to change something by writing this blog. I was fed up of blogs and websites charging you and making you sign up to their newsletters in order to get information on "being successful". Most times it was a scam because you had to purchase (at a extortionate price) the material which was then mostly a load of hyped up, useless information that wasn't really about allowing you to be successful, but about flattering the ego of the person writing or speaking.

I changed this by writing a blog that's free. I changed this by not telling you who I am. I'm not here to flatter my ego and I'm not here to rip you off. I'm here to do something that may one day have a really positive effect on my readers.

What is it that you want to change?

People confuse Leaders with Managers. You and I are not managers. Managers keep the factory going to the status quo and end up with the same predictable results. Innovation doesn't happen in factories. Managers believe that they can grow their business by simply telling more people about it. Well most people have heard of acid, but who's drinking it? Leaders are there because they are passionate about doing something. They are passionate about making something better or even completely revolutionising something. Leaders don't listen to the people that tell them no and they walk through every obstacle that comes their way. Leaders automatically attract their followers because their followers are people that believe in what the Leader is doing.

Tribes have to grow organically. Most people assume that phenomenons happen over night. They really don't. There are countless stories of how Leaders worked on something for years before anyone even took notice of what they are doing. Phenomenons happen because a Leader works relentlessly on their dream until it happens. Slowly, day by day, more people get attracted to what that Leader is doing. In six months they may have only five people in their tribe, but a Leader carries on regardless because they know that what they're doing is one day, going to have a really positive effect.

I'll use this blog as an example. I have been writing this for only a little while and I have some regular readers. I currently don't have a massive amount of people in my tribe and I know this won't be an overnight success. However, I know that what I'm putting up is good information. I know it's helpful information and I know that even already, some people are getting good use out of it. I know that the longer I do it, the more readers I'll get and the better the content will become, which will in turn attract more readers. If those readers like what I am doing, they may well tell other people about it. It may take a year before I'm getting the amount of hits I would like to achieve, but I will get there because I believe in growing my tribe organically. 

I also believe in strengthening and involving my tribe. This isn't a one way street. This is why you can talk to me directly on twitter. Tell me what you want or what you don't want. I know that the people in my tribes have their own tribes and are Leaders themselves. This is why they are in my tribe, because they want to become more informed Leaders. Success is something that should be shared.

So if you have found any of these blogs useful, informative or even just a bit interesting. Please tell other people. Please RT me on twitter, please link my blog. Help me grow my tribe, and in turn, inform your own tribe.

Many Thanks


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